Its been over a year since I have been trying to put this post together. I am prompt with my travel posts, especially the ones that have touched me more, so why did I take so long for this one I wonder? Is it because Kaza is so close to heart, that its almost a sacred place inside me, and I secretly loathe to share it? Well, those thoughts apart. We are finally here. And I am writing. I started writing a detailed Spiti travelogue in my diary like 10 months back. (It’s yet to be completed and I am only half way through). This is a succinct version of the same. This is an unplanned post, in the sense that I haven’t really planned out where I will start and where to end. So bear with me. It had been like over a year, me and spiffer had been planning a trip to Kerala. We wanted to do a monsoon roadtrip. And Kerala seemed very appealing. We hadn’t really set a time yet. When we got to the details, we narrowed down on July. Then most friends we consulted advised against heading...
n life as i walk on em