Its February and it's not a surprise that suddenly everyone is preaching about love. Why love, or its expression should be bound by a month or even a date, is another issue altogether, we will leave that for some other time. Today lets talk about unconditional love. Often Facebook posts, quotes, shares and stories revolve around this idea of unconditional love. Which is further propagated by a millennia of literature propounding stereotypes of the said kind. Open any chic-flick, or anything in the romance genre and there you have them all over. In contemporary conversations and literature alike, the youth of today is often derided for having ephemeral emotions. We are supposedly , "the hook up - break up generation" . Can we pause and ponder over the constant bombarding of this statement? On one hand we talk of empowerment, of leaving stereotypes behind, and on the other hand here we are trying to make a generation conform to conventional ideas of love, its expre...
n life as i walk on em