the loneliest day of ma life 30 th April 08 its the end of the academic year!!! tomorow is officially the last day of the semester... and also of the most awaited year in Third year! was it long hoped? i don remember, thoughts of the life before being a T.E. are pretty obscure today! to say it was the most dynamic year of ma life. it was a year of misunderstandings, of misconceptions, of pride, of running around, of begging, arguing, quarelling, debating, crying, enjoying, fucking up...... (the list is long) a really long year! with our annual gathering.. i thot it all had finally ended, no more being responsible!!!!!!!!... for stuff thats nt related to u, but it wasnt! we had another event to do.... i had no endurance left in me, and the last thing to piss me off was probably the lack of interest by the masses. there is a large chunk of people out there.. who are stubborn! they know precisely how not to think! they have reasons beyond logic. they have principles that sway ...