the loneliest day of ma life 30th April 08
its the end of the academic year!!! tomorow is officially the last day of the semester... and also of the most awaited year in colg...ma Third year!
was it long hoped? i don remember, thoughts of the life before being a T.E. are pretty obscure today! to say it was the most dynamic year of ma life.
it was a year of misunderstandings, of misconceptions, of pride, of running around, of begging, arguing, quarelling, debating, crying, enjoying, fucking up...... (the list is long)
a really long year!
with our annual gathering.. i thot it all had finally ended, no more being responsible!!!!!!!!... for stuff thats nt related to u, but it wasnt! we had another event to do.... i had no endurance left in me, and the last thing to piss me off was probably the lack of interest by the masses.
there is a large chunk of people out there.. who are stubborn! they know precisely how not to think! they have reasons beyond logic. they have principles that sway right or left depending on the situations. they have big mouths, they are like barking dogs.. who chicken out frm a cat in the middle of the night.
there are others who voice their support, and they do only that much...Voice their support, and when u need the support even the voice is gone.
then there are selective supporters. they'll analyse wats happening around, then match with their egos and ambitions and then decide if to support or not.
but what still keeps the flame of hope alive is the presence of a small minority of what the world wud term as "bekar" people cos they are alwes hanging around at the scene of action, getting involved, triggering involvement.
when u take a step to do smtin...
rule 1) ······assume u r never going to get any help. no one besides u wants it done... so u are on ur own!
rule 2) ······never involve ur best friends, good friends, close friends or remotely friends for ur help... u wil surely end up into weird situation ud rather not be in. its better to involve third party people ... relationships are much more professional then. u d b surprised how susceptible ur so called friends are to "loose talk"
rule 3) ······you will be demoralised... its only ur determination that will help u get over the red tape, blue tape, green tape ( n all tapes)
rule 4) ······when you want to get some work done, u never have the upper hand
rule 5)······ when you find a way to do something, there will alwes be someone who will find ways to stop it from being done so be prepared
rule 6) ······you will be accused for things you have done n not done ( yes accused ..i have chosen the word carefully)
rule 7) ·····if you are hoping someone will appreciate your work... then probably u rather not do it.
rule 8) ······everything has a past.. and it will alwes loom over u... "Haunt u"
rule 9) ······everyone wants to be given importance. everyone wants an invitation in golden ink...
rule 10)······Assume nothing..... u will alwes find the most unexpected people turning up to help
i know the title doesnt kind of match what i have written, but thats what the day was for me.... and all these are jus afterthoughts!