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Showing posts from August, 2010


Trade-offs. used this term a couple o times couple o places. Dint think i d b using it in lifE as such. There's always a trade-off , between what's in your hand at right now, and what u wanna hold. Between what u can do, and what u wanna do. Between ur heart and ur head. Should there be? if we are a single entity, should what we feel be different from what we live? shouldn't life be bound by one philosophy, a single thought that runs through you, and reflects in everything that you do? Should there be a trade-off between being happy and making someone happy? Shouldn't it be the same? i can't understand compromises. I cant understand giving up something for something else. There cant be something less and something more... its either something o nothing. i cant understand why we sometimes fake ourselves. or we drift to believe that we are something else. why is inactivity so elusive? What can be achieved from endless conversations tat lead nowhere, head nowhere? Why ...

Love, sex aur...

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. She woke up a little dizzy, raised herself to sit on the bed. Her legs felt shaky. Long night...she thought. She glanced at her watch on the bedside table, a diametric line connecting 6 n 12. "too early!" Her clothes were strewn over the floor; her white top served a door mat,while jeans marked a midway, a brassiere hung limply from the corner of the bed; like charting a progression, on the ruffled bed sheet she saw spots of red.... she closed her eyes tight shut. She tried to think...thoughts evaded her. She felt blank... drained. Thirsty... she walked towards the study table to reach the bottle. Every step felt an effort. 2 gulps... a naked image in the mirror across the room stared back at her. She ran her hand through her hair in partial disbelief, a few strands fell on her neck, her breasts, her feet.... she brushed them aside softly... it hurt, just touching herse...

a month old

m well a month old here now. almost gotten myself into a routine here, though try hard to avoid that. weeks are full of lots o work to do. there's alwes an assignment o a quiz round the corner, n weekends sometimes crawl and sumtimes fly off. Time s flying overall... n i think it won b long b4 its december. Got a bunchful of gals out here that make up my so called comfort zone. times with them are full of loads o laughter. i'd never thought i d ever get along with gals this well. Our class is all but ten ppl, n m gettin to know some of them only now. Esp after our dept provided us with a readin room. Thankfully i m nt so sleepy as the first 2 weeks here. The other day we went shoe shopping, ended up with much more than shoes... Shopping always cheers me up. It had been a LOOOOOng week n shopping was just wat i needed. we went to the city in a rick, n then into a mall, shoe shopping, then went further to another mall in search of a lappy shop. but there was none. decided jus to ...

casual updates

well into my third week here now. classes have a slow pace, still m struggling to find time for myself. just don realise how time passes... looks like the two years are gonna pass faster then i d imagined. between phone calls, friends n classes i scrape in some time to read. Reading Atlas Shrugged at the moment (courtesy Spiffer). i go into blank states when i look at my blog. i d expected to have more stuff to write once my life starts bustling with activity again, but.... we had a hostel freshers nite las weekend. overnight preparations, all the rush, was funn.. reminded me so much of col days n my col mates... there was live music after the cultural events got over so we danced into the night.(till some people residing in the quarters opposite our hostel requested us to cut the volume).. it was almost 12 by then. a bunch of us went cycling around wishing everyone Happy Friendship day, croaking Dosti songs at the top of our voices.Exhausted after a looong timer photosession i crashe...