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casual updates

well into my third week here now. classes have a slow pace, still m struggling to find time for myself. just don realise how time passes... looks like the two years are gonna pass faster then i d
imagined. between phone calls, friends n classes i scrape in some time to read. Reading Atlas Shrugged at the moment (courtesy Spiffer). i go into blank states when i look at my blog. i d expected to have more stuff to write once my life starts bustling with activity again, but....

we had a hostel freshers nite las weekend. overnight preparations, all the rush, was funn.. reminded me so much of col days n my col mates... there was live music after the cultural events got over so we danced into the night.(till some people residing in the quarters opposite our hostel requested us to cut the volume).. it was almost 12 by then. a bunch of us went cycling around wishing everyone Happy Friendship day, croaking Dosti songs at the top of our voices.Exhausted after a looong timer photosession i crashed in the bed.. only to sleep at 4 after a 2 hour phone chat.

assignments have been pouring from the first week itself. already had my 1st quiz. expecting the first mid sem in september... n suddenly it doesn seem all that far. yesterday taught a fren hav to cycle. was really fun.. balancing, almost tripping... tryin to remember how i first learnt to ride the cycle. n my really quick learner fren managed to pick it up in an hour... we were drenched in sweat, back at the hostel gate... bumped into the basketball coach. he got us on the ground. i hate playing in slippers, n a tall sturdy female in shoes kept stamping me all the while :(..

we were amongst the last people to finish dinner. walking out of the empty mess... i picked a book only to return to the phone again.

sometimes i contemplate switching it off n dumping it somewhere... but its my only means to reach to so many people...

jus wish i could find some more time for me..

still settling.. pics to come soon..


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