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Showing posts from October, 2012

Mizaru (see no evil)

Everyone of us must have heard/read about the three wise monkeys, cliched in India as "Gandhiji ke teen bandar". To break the popular notion, they aren't Gandhiji ke bandar. If the monkeys had to chose a patron, they'd probably pick Confucius over Gandhi. Unlike the lions in our emblem, these three wise monkeys have their own names (credited to some etymological misinterpretation of course), Mizaru (who sees no evil), Kikazaru (who hears no evil) and Iwazaru (who speaks no evil).They embody a philosophy of living. A philosophy that most strive to live by.  Mizaru is a personal favourite, not simply because the name is much simpler to say, but i find him more intriguing. "See no evil". Three simple words, yet so profound. What do they mean? Does it mean, we blind ourselves to all evil? Or does it mean Bear no evil? The monkey misguides us, we are tempted to ape him. Will evil reduce if we blind ourselves to it? Well our perception of it may change, bu...

2 years 8 months

Its like 3 years right... she said, 2 years 8 months he said It feels such a long time.. she said as he slid her fingers in hers effortlessly. They stopped walking. She looked up at him, then at the hands that looked so obvious entwined. "you have grown up" she said, in an almost motherly tone. He looked at her with confused eyes "This", she said bringing their hands up. "Its no more awkward."

Project Love

A i m: To fall in love A pparatu s : Conducive environment, a bunch of friends, pen, paper, self-owned vehicle if available, sufficient pocket money (better if self-sustained), target Theory and Motivation: This is the age of co m petition. Times today are much more trying than before. In view of the skewed sex ratios, and limited available opportunities, it is imperative than one be prepared in advance for to fall in love is no child's play. It requires pre-meditated effort, lots of patience and planning. not to forget backing of generous parents and friends. And while there may be those who'd choose to wait for things to take their own course remember,  God help s those who help themselves. One realises sooner or later that there is no alternative to plunging into the rat race. Procedure: 1)    Identify: Though it may sound intuitively simple it is a tough choice. While making this decision please take the following factors into account Long term or short...