i never wondered why i had to do it when i was young...n i reckon ne gal would have ever pondered over it;atleast not til they were in their teens!!...(initially i thought it was something i had to do to get a chocolate from my brother widout demandin!)
but things changed when my brother had to leave to stay else wher for studies!!i think that was the first tym i felt so bad about not having him around!! thinking it over i thought thus, "we never realise the importance of people when they are with us" its only when they go far n we miss them, that we realise what an integral part of our life they have alwes been..n they shall alwes be!!
i wonder how a tiny rakhi can tie up two people in a relationship forever!!!...but miraculously it does!!
"Raksha Bandhan" is a celebration of one of the most beautiful relationships in the world, that of a " brother n sister". i know i would have never been what i am today had i to have a sister!!
its been 19 years of being a guy n a gal...n i guess it has been the same for him. but may b thats y we have been shaped into these people that our both similar n dissimilar at the same time! i find myself in him n yet i know we are different. we are tied..bonded rather... my life to his, his to mine( may b stronger year by year by all the rakhi's i have been tyin him all thru these years!).
there are times when we quarrel, times when we have used words that have hurt more than anything else, times when we have been mean to each other, times when we have contemplated not havin a sibling......but more than all those times, i remember the times when i have needed him more than neone else....more prominently those when i have found him when i needed...thats when i realised, between a bro n sis, its never about words, its never about how much u say or how u say it...its jus about being there...n knowing that at the end of the day u r one blood....n no matter what u do n wher u are, u stil have an ally in the opposite sex.
i guess a rakhi is just a way of tellin your brother..."i love you"
some may find this boring , or too senti may be, but then somewher i feel ther may b more lyk me in this world who have never managed to say this to their bro!!!...so this goes from all "those sisters" to all "those brothers".