m a regular reader of Times Life supplement. tats the only piece of the newspaper i don miss. its ma sunday read.
there was this article on it about loneliness... this article might sound similar to the article in Times, cos i very much support wats written in it.
at some point of time or other in our lives, we all experience loneliness.... for some its temporary, but fr a few others its smtin they hav to live with. Like some people are meant to be alone.
being alone is not being depressed. its more like being with urself, in ur comfort zone. n when u carry this with u, u r alone even in a crowd.
Aloneness is a state of being. You may be alone and yet not lonely. you can be comfortable n positive with ur aloneness, bt a glint of negativity is wat turns it into loneliness... which then is a state of mind.
loneliness is strange feeling of detachment from those around you, wher you float away from a situation an almost seem an outsider looking in.
u may be sitting with ur frens, n suddenly u sense u dont quite belong there, filled with a discomfort and an urge to move out from there, ur mind races into realms of semi-reality... u r playing a game but u arent wholly in it. u r listenin, the words hit your ears as familiar, yet they cant penetrate in. You hav finally found ur space, when somebody brings u down to the chaos around u....
theres smtin called intellectual loneliness ( it made pretty happy abt my melancholy)
a strange yearning, a thirst for something you cant figure out. wat the article spoke was to move up from loneliness to "love of solitude" thats when u begin, making positive use of ur aloneness..
from birth man is taught to be a social being, and yet evrywher he craves for space. Space to breathe, to live, to learn,...to exist. this fight for space is wat later leads to conflicts.
Alone people carry their space with them.