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its JUNE...n its RAINING

its a perfect day to be sittin in the porch with a book in ur hand n a coffee mug besides u!

its raining outside... GOAN monsoons... its jus peculiarly them....
the whole day is cloudy n everything is stuffy inside, bt if u go out nothing can be more refreshing.

after the scorching summer.. the showers are the most welcome thing!
the transformation frm bright blue to dull grey above n golden yellow to bright green below

i love rains, even more to get wet.
love to feel each drop that touches ma skin, n then slides down to become one with millions of others!

i love those puddles on n off the road... love to jump in them, love the water splashing onto me (n others besides me... ;))

love to roam about on the road with soaked jeans n wet hair!

wats so pleasant about rains? its not jus the water pouring from the height (or is it? even our screen goddesses enjoy that)

what makes u close ur eyes, face the skies n feel the rain on ur face?
"FEEL"... guess the whole point is there. the "FEEL"ing that u hav been TOUCHed by something.

i find even lightining amusing....
summers are monotonous...the same blue skies n winds n heat!
monsoons are more lively... with all the thunder n splatter

n how could i forget the colours of monsoon --- THE RAINBOW.. they fascinated me as a child, n the fascination continues.
the whole sight of a multicolored band appearing in the sky from nowhere--is beautiful!
its enthralling to see the colors merge into one other. its like a bridge from sky to heaven.
love to keep looking at them till the colours fade slowly..

rains are romantic. and its not jus me who thinks so! one of my craziest fantasies has been to make out in the rain!

rains have a lot to do with love (n love sequences in the movies.. if there had to be no rains ther wud be no thunder, no strong winds, no umbrellas and umbrellas blown by the wind, no helpless heroines trapped on rainy streets with no means to reach home...n the heroes wud never manage to patovofy them)

rains are all about coming closer. when its raining we find people huddled together under trees, under umbrellas, under some shade or the other.
when it thunders its impulsive to find another soul around u, to hug at the right moment.
not many go out of the house, esp when its raining heavily (yes it ruins plans fr some people) bt then u get all the time to spend at home with ur family!
rains make u search for company. its nice to sip that chai in the rains alone, bt its nicer when u have company!

rains have their unique way of saying...
"one is not half of two.... but two halves make one! "
(wish we all learnt to live like raindrops...)


Anonymous said…
The rains somehow make me feel wary... needy and a lot lonely... and at the same time.... they make me feel like i'm at home... i love to cuddle up in my blanket and listen to the raindrops on my tiled roof and watch the lightning in my window... :-)
Anonymous said…
Good words.

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