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i belong..

on top of a hillock called farmagudi,amidst the greens lie some 20 odd structures, n more in the making around these. u climb up the hill (u cud as well take a pilot or a taxi, or jus hitch a lift, whichever suits u) , till u reach the gate. The first thing u'd see is a tiny red black structure.. wat we call NESCAFE...

its this place wher u'l alwes find ppl (and at night the cows reign, which is evident frm the cakes they leav in abundance). when it was set up, it was alwes an excuse for coffee. but now, (with rising inflation), ppl jus hang around ther, in the hope of finding more company. its a nice place to see people come n go. (which, in my primary years in gec, wud b done at the gado or the parking lot)..

i am a regular at the nescafe esp in the evenings. when ur bugged aft pracs, its this one last spot, wher we all sit to crap about things. i wasnt in a mood of crapping today, so for a change, i stood apart, a spectator to the kind of conversations i am usually surrounded by.

i dunno from wher this topic about "goenkars"(goans) n "bhayle"(non-goans) came.(mus hav been while i was pondering on efficient methods of training cows, not too shit on the roads).. my innocent fren asked an innocent question, "why do u guys differentiate like this?", n my not so innocent frens attempted to justify their stand.

i wanted to open my mouth then, its one of those times when u shud stand n speak, but then i dint.. cos somewher theyd been trained not to understand(or so i believe)..

I AM A GOAN, my non-goan origins are not wat matters. wat matters is that m born here, brought up here, n m jus as much goan, as neone else.
Musharraf was born in wat now forms a post independence India, n yet he remains a Pakistani, and Advani born in the Post independence Pakistan, an Indian.. Origins dont matter!!

When u r part of a society that has been liberated and educated by the so-called bhayles, i think ppl deserve a little gratitude if not netin else. when the very basis of education for your forefathers was a language that u call alien today, i think u deserve to giv the language a little respect.

sometimes i wonder if i am the only person still holding all those concepts of equality tat were taught in school.

its so easy to disown someone, to say someone is not amongst us, to DIFFERENTIATE.

shall our society at large ever learn to accept and assimilate? shall there ever be times when people look around at broader perspectives?

is there a way to replace shallow thinking?


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