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its not late by my standards! m abt to shut my book over a long weekend! final year gives lots o long weekends..m nt writin much of late. the only reason being ma thoughts hav become highly volatile, and its hard to hang on to them ( somethin i hav often heard frm fattu's mouth)

yestday marked 5 blasts in delhi. i don much of watch tv, n the continuos relay of the same news over n over was frustratin me. i did all tat was in ma power.. changed the channel. thats wat most ppl around the country must hav probably done, once the news had broken to every home!

is it cos delhi is so far away frm wher i live? is it cos i hav never been exposed to such a situ in real life? it all seems so distant. things wil keep happenin, it doesn matter so much as long as it doesn happen to u. say a silent prayer thankin god fr waking us upto another day, thank him fr the wel bein of our near n dear ones. pray fr peace fr those hurt.. n then pull up a sheet n slide into bed!

tats all tat we do! how do we combat smtin tat we cant see?
the only face it has is terror!

everytime news of terror is broadcasted on tv.. the suspicion rises! thers this silenced murmour-- "don trust him". i cant distrust the person who danced with me the other nyt at visarjan (immersion of ganesh idol) jus cos his faith is difft. out ther his voice was stronger than mine.. is religion stil a reason to distrust?

i have heard ppl say history speaks of treachery, of deceit, of blood, of destruction.
i ask will holdin on to it better our tomorrow?

when a bomb explodes, it doesn knw religion. the face of terror is nt an enemy of faith.. its an enemy of the nation.

we promote loopholes. we seek for them, n encourage those who thrive on them!!! we let things happen.

terror strikes will keep recurring until people learn to view themselves as a nation void of their differences... until people learn to put national interests over personal interests.

u never knw which small act of urs might be a predecessor to the next terror strike!


Salil said…
thers this silenced murmour-- "don trust him". i cant distrust the person who danced with me the other nyt at visarjan (immersion of ganesh idol) jus cos his faith is difft. out ther his voice was stronger than mine..

wel said...

wot breeds terror??...wot makes 'them' the terrorists and 'us' the victims???

hw many of us hv shook our heads at the reports..clicked out toungues and then moved to happier things??

has constant exposure desensitized us...or is it some form of gruesome 'evolution'..?

wen the hell will out perceptions change?? shud they??

the questions keep coming....

but u never cease to amaze me..

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