Long long ago, when the Liliputian army reigned the grassy-lands of Farmagudi..... the foundations of something new were laid in the soils of the plateau.. a plateau notorious for stickin to its traditions!! for the first time the united engicos were divided... friends fought friends, n foes shook hands!!!! War cries echoed in the campus! Spies sneaked outside latched hostel rooms, a word here n another there.. they put together stories frm bits. Each one struggled to juice out their best. There was no alternative to victory!! Winning was all that mattered!! Tandav 2007 (the first intra college cultural festival in GEC)... truly justified aggression!! a dayful of events, of busy feet, of raised voices, of exaggerated emotion! Though only one emerged victorious in the battle, the crux of the event was preserved! Tandav 2007 was a festival... with due importance to all its competition.. it's aim was enjoyment!! a year later.... the plateau shook again with war cries!!! all...
n life as i walk on em