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main khuda

there's this guy who seems like god!!!!

ur own imperfections highlighted, when u talk to him, you wonder , if he is made up of some unearthly matter!!

your senses confused by now, each one struggling to get the max of him! You watch the transforming expressions on his face ; jus when the chant is wearing off, his words transfix u. you want to grab every word, cos he'll giv u some of the most unique combinations of words u've ever heard. He plays with words like one slides candy balls over ones' tongue.

He smiles when u expect him to hit u with smtin, n he'll yell at you when u say smtin cute. Its not tat he is averse to compliments, but its like he is never heard them.

He will piss u with his non sense, yet when he stops it , u'l b longin for more.

With ears plugged to earphones he can hear beyond the music from his cell, Readin a novel hidden under the desk, he stuns you with an answer to random questions thrown in class.

When the worlds heated up, mr supercool will walk around with the coolest words.

He makes everything appear so easy, controlled. He can make u believe tat u cud probably go around the world in a minute!

He can talk jus about as much as everyone else, but the most important thing is he can listen jus as intently.

He plays, he dances, does just about all those things tat everyone else does and yet he stands apart.

You can look up to him, and yet he wont look down on you!

He is so much within his limits, in everything he does, even his insanity is controlled.

What was god even thinking, when he made this creature(i dunno if he is human!)

or is he god...the perfect guy with perfect eyebrows?

(he'll probably kill me if i put his name here)


Anonymous said…
well written girl...very well written..really proud to have a fren like Mr God...oh btw..u forget to appreciate d freckles
Salil said…
yes... the guy with the natural eyebrows would most certainly cause you some( but still cognizable )amount of damage...physical mostly...maybe a lil brain too if his nomenclature wud have appeared in the afore blog

nonetheles, the guy with the natural eyebrows ( which some deliberately misconstrue for their own draconian ends )wud definately and most undoubtably have loved this most eloquently put commentary ... and for this he wud like to THANK YOU .. on bended knee...

and maybe a present wud be in the offing...of course assuming his monetory situation does grant him some leeway in the matter...
nishi said…
its perfect eyebrows dear... i din say netin abt them nt bein natural :)

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