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The Butterfly Man

GEC is a green campus.. esp in the monsoons. (green in the true sense, engicos wil know wat i mean) n i have a green fren (nt so literally).

it started in the monsoons. this green guy running behind butterflies (no he isn a 3 year old).
this green guy is a man on a mission. a mission to capture every butterfly in gec. his sole aid was his tiny sony ericsson.

you wud find him walking out from the most unexpected places walkin towards u with a triumphant smile. n then there would be times when he would be runnin towards nothingness. Spending hours hovering over flowers, i d wondered if he d turned into one of em, springin in n out of ur vision jus like one of em butterflies.

capture them he did. but it din stop there! this green guy wants to secure the habitats of butterflies...give them a brighter tomorrow.

butterflies are sensors of a healthy environment. they tel u how GREEN the greens around you are in essence.the more u find them around u, the greener ur avenues.

this green guy is very pushy abt this whole green affair. he got us into this paper campaign. "save paper, save trees". spoke to our faculty n all so as to encourage reduction in paper consumption for term work. a butterfly smiled.(we did too)

for the first time ever we had a photography exhibition (art n butterfly photography exhibition in support for the campaign). many realised how ignorant we are of the biodiversity around us. rang bells for some. time to gear up for action.

the result, green guy encouraged revival of nature club in gec on World Earth Day. a discussion on global warming followed by a cleanliness drive.

more people are talkin abt it, i guess there wil be atleast some reduction in the waste generated in our otherwise-not-so-green campus.

there had been a lot of crticism of this green guy as he chased butterflies in sun n rain. BUTTERFLY MAN was one of the names loosely inspired from this criticism. as he puts it , "the flap of a butterflies wing has changed his life"... where's ur butterfly?

be the change you want to see... n go chase ur butterfly no matter wat the world thinks!!

for those interested in knowing more abt the butterfly man, chec the following links




manchit said…
hey nishi, thanx for such a great post on me.. well even i wouldn't have been able to write so well.
I have been reading your post for a long time now, i just love the simplicity of your writing, flow of ideas form one to another is so simple yet so elegantly effective..
Well keep writing, hope to read a NOVEL, or a BOOK authored by NISHI. I'm booking my copy rite now, send me as soon as ya print..[:p]

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