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to mumbai and back

On account of an interview, I had my first solitary tryst with the city of dreams. Since I have come to Pune, I have developed a child like delight towards everything I come across. Its neither disapproval nor immediate acceptance, jus pure delight—free from prejudices. I somehow manage to look at things of devoid of opinions abt it to bother my view!

The 5 hour journey cud b split into 2 distinct phases –the first one that took 3 hours from pune to navi Mumbai (tats like wher the metropolis begins, if m nt mistaken) and the second that took 2 hours to cover almost half the distance traversed before. Despite of the long journey, it was much pleasant. The lonavla-khandala stretch was spectacular. I was happy to see the greens, though they were markedly different from the lush goan landscapes. Bare rocks were prominent between the green beds. The roads unwound leisurely, and did full justice for neone who wanted have a running view of the valley. (visiting this place at a more leisurely convenience is another thing I have placed in my checklist now).

Mumbai, as many must have experienced, moves much faster off the streets than on it. Our bus stood back at every junction, and I was beginning to get a little restless (in bus journeys I alwes get anxious of getting down at the wrong stop). The bus finally stopped at Dadar, and the bus doors opened to taxi drivers who tugged at ur bags almost dragging u into the cab. The journey from the bus stop to the guest house proved even longer than I expected, some one n a half hours, with numerous detours cos of the mata (It was navratri time). There were times when I contemplated walkin would be faster, but well I sat through the long queues at never endin traffic signals and junctions. The taxi driver put in lame efforts at serving as a tourist guide, but soon discovered he could not maintain a reasonable conversation.

By the time I reached the guest house I was reasonably tired, I popped in the bed after a bath. Had a lot to catch up for the interview next day.

The interview was fun. Was happy with the realization that engineers all around are not much different, but there were vast differences in wat we studied, n how we were exposed to stuff. Lessons learnt. I met my buddy in the later part of the evening, and we settled for a coffee since it was already getting dark by the time we moved out of the interview. The following day was again spent in nostalgia with lots of photos n vids, n crazy talks with buddy at his place.
I was happy to see the sea, but then it din feel like the seas in goa. In goa, we have got really spectacular landscapes, landscapes that u almost never get tired of it, their essence remains unchanged despite of their inherent dynamic nature.

Mumbai was crowded. I guess that’s not a new observation. But on one night at the guest house, the skyscrapers glittered in the dark as the crescent moon rose up. The night looked beautiful. The sky above twinkled and the so did the city below. It was like moon dust was sprinkled, and it sparkled from all around. It felt surreal, dreamlike.

Even if u had or din have the means to be up in those glittering skyscrapers, the city runs on a dreamy hope. A hope that binds everyone who lives in it, and enchants and attracts all those who come to it!

The city of dreams indeed!


kaka said…
why it took u so long to reach mumbai from pune????after the expressway was paved ,the journey has been cut down to a mere 2.5 hrs....right about the navi mumbai thing but navi mumbai is really good....the night view of the city is a delight to watch...i want to have a pic of that...:)...beaches in goa are obviously far better...:)...
n00b said…
Mumbai indeed is a greta city, with all its shortcomings even a cynic like me has some praise for this city :)
nishi said…
@kaka the beaches in goa are amazing at night, but they glitter more in moonlight.

:( now u makin me miss goa
HaRy!! said…
thats some journey!!Never been to North India...but i luv to visit Mumbai...its ok if its gonna b crowdy! think first time here...nice template and blog yu have...following yu:) cya around..
nishi said…
@ Hary

hmm well mumbai doesn exactly qualify as north india! newe.. thanks fr droppin by.. hope to c u ard too :)

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