Walks on pune roads are the most pleasant times of my day. I enjoy walking. Sometimes it’s a slow lingering, lost in thought walk; when the noises around are silenced by those in the head, other times it’s the all fresh n ready to roll , confident walk. (that’s the one in the mornings mostly, when m on ma way fr breakfast n formerly when I used to go to class). Walking during most working hours tends to b a lil unpleasant cos of the pollution.(u can feel the fumes pass through into ur system).
Morning walks are the best. Pune has this super cool climate…(super cool by Goan standards) , so when u step out of the room, for a second u get the feelin that u gonna freeze out there. But the whole walkin effort beats it, n then u have these triumphant droplets of sweat trickling down the sides of ur cheek (n if u have burnt enuf calories, even down ur spine). Its refreshing! Seriously refreshing. (better than chai n coffee). Sometimes when ma head is clogged with too many things, I jus go out for a walk, n then m bac n al fresh….
There are a lot of interesting people u happen to see on these morning walks. Pune streets in the mornings are ruled by senior citizens. Ul see them everywhere, from the ground to the tea shop at the corner. (unlike the evenings when the streets are flooded by the youth). It gives a very homely n sheltered feel to the streets, kind of the one I get when I visit ma grandparents. These guys club up and talk about everything and nethin, esp when u are one of those kinds who d rather not look at the newspaper, u cud jus spend some half a hour at the chai walla when some of these guys are around. I have this habit of guessing wat their professions cud possibly be (or have been). So now I have some 5 professors that I meet every day, another 5 who I believe are in some form of service, an ex army man, the guy who plays tennis (this one’s the most peculiar. He is not too old, something 50s, sports long curly hair; that are tied behind; he is a regular at the chai walla, and everyday he is distributing his gyan to the person sitting infron of him, sometimes even the chai walla. He is one of those men with a magnetic personality. He speaks.. n u are all ears).
Walking is fun n healthy. And its more fun when u are not bound by destination n time (like me in pune). Its those aimless walks that are the most fun. N thanks to ma walking around here, I have finally learnt to keep track of roads n give accurate directions. (both which I wud miserably screw up b4). Walking has also made me a keen observer. When u r walking with someone, mostly u tend to strike a conversation n u don often tend to notice whats happening around (atleast I don), but when alone u note everything on the road. Thoughts jus flow, in and out, sometimes they trigger memories but more often than not happier ones.
The second walk of the day, that I don usually miss is the tea-time walk. Somewhere between 5.30 and 6. Its when the airs jus getting cooler, n its like the perfect time to go grab a cup of tea (n cream roll). Then go for a stroll, buy milk on the way, or if u in a mood, then go street shopping…n then come bac n sit on the swing where m usually joined by my roomie wher we swing into the dark
Gosh m I gonna miss these things when I go bac home!!!!!
(routines jus happen, u don alwes plan them)
Hypocrisy is in the blood of punites.
Hypocrisy is in the blood of punites.