one withers another grows......sometimes when u sit with the balance-sheet of life, n u find more negatives than positives... just throw it, n find something better to do.
college seems so distant now... like it was eons ago, sometimes even another life!! the unit of time is months again, (sometimes days, minutes, seconds), unlike sems before.
unlike pune times, where everyday was filled wit a possibility of chancing on someone new, being home is more of reflecting on those chance encounters.
m not so much surprised by transitions, as the rate at which they occur(ed), undoing things, nullifying actions... so tat everything seems more chaotic than before ( o was it just a pseudo belief!)
words can deceive, but quivering drunk voices cant!!
hope is a butterfly that flutters till certainty kills it..
gal I'm tired of the deceiving words, but I think we deceive ourselves the most. Some things just cant be shrugged off. Some actions just cannot be nullified.