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It's complicated!

Was thinking of editing my fb profile, the relationships drop down menu provides an option for the confused souls "its complicated"....

Its a phrase we hear all too often these days... it could mean one of many things, of course depending on context. I think those are the most convenient 2 words to cover up a lot of what u don't wanna say straight on the face

Its just another way of saying save me the trouble of explaining it! and anyway why should we. I don't get this whole idea of trying to define scopes and limitations of relationships or for that matter the course of most of the things... or life in general!

You do something if you want to, don't do it if u don't want to, where is there any scope for saying "i should" or "shouldn't" be doing something; and what holds you from doing or not doing something. We all love drawing lines, but wouldn't it be more appropriate that you see the space you require n then draw lines, rather than drawing lines first n trying to fit yourself in them?
Why squeeze yourself, Why let yourself take a specific form, like building dams in a river course... to shape it--it will flow nevertheless, but its still an unnatural path, may be not the path of least resistance!

Its too simple to be simple... its so simple that we don't get it. Because we attempt to simplify what's already simplified. Have u ever had an experience wit Boolean algebra? We had it in second year. There were these problem types on reductions of expressions.. sometimes the simplest form could be derived all too easily, n then unwilling to believe that the solution could be that simple i would spend considerable time on trying to simplify it further! that's the way we handle most simple things that come across us.

We just refuse to believe something is simple... more like believe its a crime to be simple or it's some trend to have things complicated! The real challenge is not in simplifying complicated things, but in keeping simple things the way they are!


Radhika said…
i love it!awesome work...u should do this more often:)
nishi said…
@rads thanks... read ma archives ;)

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