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Lost and Found

how do u feel searching for something believing you lost it, while it was never there in the first place! for the last 2 days i ve been in a miserable state, cos i believed i had lost a vital document.

it all began 2 days ago, on a sweaty summer afternoon, post lunch,as i was lazing on the sofa.
Dad: so have u filled all your forms
Me: in progress, i need to xerox n send documents
Dad: ok, when u gonna do tat
Me: tomorrow.

then i begin collecting my documents. marksheets--> check
birth certificate--> check
score card--> (3--2--1)...... untraceable

the next 3 hours were spent in turning the house upside down, searched like every nook n cranny, every book, even newspapers n dustbin... it just wasnt anywhere. i could tell you the exact place i last saw it, over a week ago, n now it just wasnt there. Mom searching, me searching 3 hours-- nothing!!! by the end of it i was totally demoralised and had lost hope on ever finding it.

dad: any luck?
me: NO. i just cant find it.

then began frantic communication efforts for hopes of getting a duplicate score card. e-mails, phones, texts... twas crazy.

i resigned to my room, trying to study for the upcoming test.

fast forward--> today 11:00a.m
phone rings.
dad: Your score card just got delivered.
me: !!!! (wtf?, hth? n such similar phrases come to my mind, of all these the receiver only conveys a sigh of relief)

i dinno if i should laugh o cry! God-- those were like the most miserable 2 days of my life.

i spent 2 days searching a score card, that wasn't there at home, and panicking i had lost it. i believed i had handled the score card. n aft 3 hours of searching, my mom claimed she had received it from the postman. ahh.. memory! its such a deceptive thing. like 4 hours ago, i could tell you the exact place i had last seen the score card before it got lost. and now that i see the thing personally in my hand, i dunno if i should believe my memory o not!

how much of the things we remember are actually as they are? or are memories simply reconstructions of the things we presume to be.


Unknown said…
the last line..... very very potent question....could write an entire post on that one :P
nishi said…
write write.., waise bhi aajkal u write less ... i wud b happy to inspire a post ;)
Anonymous said…
yes....last line is very true

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