how can someone else be a parameter that decides how contented u are with ur life? i wonder who put the notion in people's head that life is all about living for others, love is giving and such analogous bull shit.
makes me feel sick. thoughts similar to these.
i don't live for anyone, i live for me. i dont do things so that someone else should feel nice abt it, i do them cos i feel so. none of my actions spring from a thought that this is for someone else.... and if someone claims doing so is possible he s probably fooling himself.
why do people try to fight things that are impossible to fight? "reality", "facts" for example...nostalgia is one thing, but wanting to walk back in time is quite another. and then the other extreme, where everything is "for the future".. there's jus no present.
how can u claim to live when ur thoughts refuse to accept "today". (time travel is stil fiction)
how can anything that compels u to reverse the tenets that defines living be anything but harmful?