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just back from a long break back home. well yeah looong if you could call 20 days that. i was hoping for a well-planned holiday, cos well i had a plan in my head, but then as every plan, it dint work that day. each day was on its own till i reached the last 2 days, n i had to cram lots o ppl into it. yeah in Goa my days are counted by the people i meet on tat day.

i d hoped for a long loafing sessions wit friends, din happen. partly cos loafing like in col times will probably never happen again, and so much time is spent catching up that there's hardly time fr anything else. yeah we managed a small trip to terekhol though. (Terekhol is a fort on the Goa-maharashtra border that is now converted to a resort, and where we had one of the most expensive lunches ever)

i spent more time home this hols, partly cos there wasnt anyone around, and partly cos i just wanted to be home. My trip to my native place was one of the highlights. i drove all the way till there (my first looooong drive) .everytime i go there, i feel older. may be its in the air. there's just so much more to deal with than what normally sees u in the face in Goa (and now kanpur). Belgaum often feels like one big whole close-knit place. its like everyone knows everyone, its not less than some daily soap. There's always some drama o other happening, and there's lots n lots n lots o gossip (men-women gossipping at different levels, women in the kitchen, men in the hall)

had a first taste of "mulgi pahanyacha karyakram" and trust me its stupid. i have alwes ended up on awesome notes with people i've had the worst first impressions about, and yet here we almost leave everything at the mercy of tat. but well that's the way things work. once you look old enough, "spouse-finding" obsesses everyone around you. You discover a lot of never before known relatives, and you hear a lot of never-before heard stories. You dig ur past, you dig others past, u spend spies, you use deception, man its not less than some covert operation. no wonder they use the term "yuddhpatalivar" (like in war) in marathi to describe this whole scene.

and unlike last time, i just dint want to leave Goa. for sometime i felt like my purpose of the trip is still unfulfilled, that there's still something left, something lingering at the back of the mind. but well i guess i'l have to wait till next hols to find that.

i did manage to finish reading "Have a Little Faith" by Mitch Albom, and "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. tiny books yeah, but great reads...esp the latter, loved it.

that about sums up the hols, more on all the moments in retrospect later.


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