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The passive Indian

Hello world, I am here to talk. No not promises, speeches n slogans and stuff of that sort. No just gupshup. Yeah the around the corner “hi! Hello!” stuff. Candle light march? Ahh yes id been on one.i walked with a candle talking about my day, and movies n stuff. No I din’t speak on camera, just to people I knew. Some I met after long. Huge turn out. What opinion? I don’t know what to say. No am not the ‘neta types’. M just a peaceful little person. No I don’t crave for media attention. Ahh yes it would be nice to have your photo in the paper. No but not at such things. No nothing political. I don’t want to be associated with anything remotely political. No pro no against. Yes I do think about it, sometimes when everyone’s talking. No actually not much. Then it passes.

Newspaper?? Ya I read. No news channels, unless it some 26/11 or tsunami o world cup coverage. No I don’t read the newspapers, just page 3. It depresses me. Just the headlines sometimes. Just a glance. But I prefer listening it from others. Less depressing.

Corruption?? Yes yes corrupt people should be punished. I support that. I support everyone who says corruption should be dealt with. I listen to speeches on vigilance awareness. But I want my passport in a week, and I hate the queues at the RTO. No I don’t mind shelling a few bucks there. Time is more important than money right? And we the bourgeois don’t have much time, always on the run. Bus to catch , train to catch… sleep to catch. Yes loads o work.

I know I should feel it, but m desensitized, its an everyday thing now, scams and tremors. They both shake you, but then it passes and you learn to move on. I just want to live in peace.

Change? change is the only constant. I believe things will change for good, when I am in those optimistic moods, yeah I have faith in justice. I believe in karma. I pray my own prayers… I don’t think I can bring any change. its for those neta types, not us, not me atleast. I am just a commoner. And this is not some freedom struggle is it? I remember the last time there was an uproar against reservation, and its only worsened now. May be corruption might too. M just speculating. I don’t know, I cant b sure. May be I don’t have a voice cos I belong to the masses, the voice is lost in the humdrums of routine. M just a tiny speck. I have too many things to think of.Yes I am patriotic thrice a year. I stand up for the national anthem even when it plays on tv. I see flag hoisting on tv. What more do you expect? I do my work, as honestly as possible. Not always yeah, but I try. But what the hell no one does. I do my tiny little part. Yeah I go on polio booths twice a year. I pay my taxes. I vote. (though I really don’t want to, but it’s a holiday newe and the booth isn’t tat far.)

I’m just a passive Indian….all I want at the end of the day, is to see them all sleeping soundly in the comforts of a ‘home’. I’m just a passive Indian… let me be.


Romi said…
This is a topic after my own heart. Well said ..... totally agree !!
nishi said…
thanks roma. m nt entirely sure if i am biased towards the passive indian or against him...
Kedar said…
But bringing change is not jus for the neta types. Bringing change works exactly like gossiping. Someone follows u n then more start following. so even a small step towards betterment helps and u dont hv to go out of the way to do it.
nishi said…
@sweet bite i believe in small steps too, small steps tat integrated over time span huge distances.
Romi said…
I think im a passive Indian and i see no harm in it. I dont believe in doing something just because everyone else is.
aakash said…
A part of me might agree,...

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