Been a year. I came from a Pond. a tiny little Pond. my Pond you could say. I'd been there for a long time. Well u don't exactly count days in ponds, ya but long long time. I was born there i guess. No one remembers where they were born anyway. But i was born in Pond. It was huge then, though its tiny now. We lived in West-End; me, mum-dad, and yes my brethren.When we were kids we would swim all over west end, me and bro. We'd explored most of West-End. It had a tiny ridge, that was our favorite hangout. Me n my pals would go there after school.
When i was older i was sent to the big school at Central Spring. I hated to be away from West-End. But then i fell in love with Central Spring nevertheless. Here's where i made a hell lot o friends and we roamed the whole of the Pond. The Pond was so huge and beautiful. You could swim whole day and never tire of it. There were these beautiful sea-weeds near the Loop. The loop was this nice lil place where there were these huge arcs that you could swim through. someone said they were skeletons. They d been lying there for a long long time and i don't really know. The Lounge was this awesome pub down south.there was a huge tree over it, that always kept it dark n cool down there.But you must go there. It was awesome. The ambience, the music, the drinks...and the yummiest starters everrrr..
aw i miss all of it.
Well m not in a pond anymore. no we dint move to a bigger pond and technically you cant just move from ponds, somebody's gotta move you o you gotta fly o may be swim against the spring(i dunno if anyone;s ever tried that though). this place is a lake. its beautiful and all that. but its not like my pond. yeah but its huge. very very huge. like ten times my pond o something. and there are lots o fishes here. like ten times my pond. i fell in a trap. i was hanging around at the Lounge, and then i knew i was in this huge bag flying away. i think i must have been knocked out o something. but it doesn't really matter. m at this lake now. and i dont really know how far it is from my Pond. may be its just besides may be its miles away. being a pond fish you cant really jump out of water and see beyond the banks. and here they have these huge walls too unlike the pOnd and sidewalks that have always these huge creatures walking around. the fish out here are crazy about them. they call them humans. i dont give much. may be coz i am new here... but these other fishes are totally crazy. they flock to the banks when they see them around. and they have crumbs thrown at, and sometimes mud, and bottles and gum too... but they still flock. sometimes these humans sit on the sidewalk with their feet underwater, and then everyone flocks to lick their feet. uggh!! u don lick tail-fins of other fishes do you? licking feet.. uggh. i wish the madness would end there, but no these fish are even crazier.not all but yeah most of em. then sometimes these humans come with nets and bags. yeah bags like the one in which i came here. and then all these fish would kill to get into one of those bags. they wanna go to one of those places that them humans call aquariums. apparently you get well-fed there and stuff. well m not particularly starving here, so i guess i'd be just fine here anyway.
they say i have a pond mentality. may be i do. but i dont want it to change to an aquarium one. i mean i love to look up from deep down and see the clouds, the shimmering sun. i love roaming around the lake(though it was more fun in the pond). i can take you around for a tour. though its man-made and stuff it isnt all that bad. and its not all man-made its jus extended one side to make it huger. you should go to the edges that are still pristine. not many fish go there. but then they are great. you find different fish there. your folks would freak out if u d told them about the big fish there and stuff. you just stay out of their sight then its fine.
and then there's so much more to do out here. i mean in the aquarium ud just be dancing around for someone for a while and then ud go back to ur perfect living place and sleep. and then may be youd make some new friends with the other fishes there. but then thats it. you'd just be living off... like in a loop. out here at the lake, you are creating everything. from where you gonna stay, to what you gonna do. and you go out for food. and you cook. its better than jus gulping pills. and then you teach all these tiny fish. and you make way for all the new fishes to live on. you dont just lick people's feet.
i lived in a pond for the most of my life, i may not have learnt too many things, but i learnt not to lick people's feet. i learnt the joy of exploring, of making new things, of giving back.i learnt to swim, i new that i belonged to a small pond so i learnt to stay humble. and i learnt that small o big, your pond is always your pond, and there's nothing like it.