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All lose, whole find

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“Fear is a bad thing and unworthy of you” -Jawaharlal Nehru (in a letter to his daughter)

I am not a feminist. I am an avowed tomboy. I have been pondering for the past half an hour, over what it means today to be a woman, and my head is now a clutter of thoughts flowing in all directions, and I have to write, to help it settle down in my head. 

We all are raised by a set of beliefs, the word belief here not restricted to a certain sect or religion (one could be raised with a belief that one is a princess for that matter) and these beliefs shape the course of our lives. So one is raised to believe that one is a woman, and the other is raised to believe that one is a man and then they both are bogged down by societal definitions of what one should or should not be. Well the differentiation by nature into a man and a woman is purely functional. Something nature chose to do to prevent over abundance for all you care. Like if there was no split into two genders, then each individual would have an equal probability of producing more of the same kind and then there would be no check on the growth of population in the absence of predators (and diseases) and may be Nature (coz my atheist readers may not like the term GOD) would have to resort to earthquakes to gulp them down and keep a check on the growth of population. All life forms would then reproduce vegetatively and I cant imagine how the earth would be. 

But since Nature likes to play dice, it decided to create this functional difference and create two genders, so the male has to find a female, and only then they can reproduce. And there, we should have been happy accepting that as the only difference and lived with it. But the intelligent humans that we are, we decided to take this functional difference a little further, and created a difference in the functions performed by these two genders. And then we had this whole differentiation into Men and Women and their different functions in society. 

There are those who argue that these functions have been assigned based on physique and physical capabilities, but if one believes in evolution then it must have been  a matter of evolution that women today are (in most cases) physically weaker than men.  (and there is another argument to this that I will come to later...). So when someone says respect me, coz I am a woman, I squirm, coz I would like to be respected as a human, and not because I am a woman. A man deserves as much respect for being a man, as a woman does, for well, being a woman.  

So we now have a differentiation of men and woman, that’s not purely functional any more, but is also of form, and the difference in form is something that has materialised out of our heads coz it has risen from our definitions of way things are meant to be. To create equality, this definition is where we have to start with, we have to pick it up and we have to disintegrate it. And by this I don’t mean making a futile attempt to erase it out of our heads and everyone else’s , I mean working on it, slowly and steadily, and erode it out of existence. 

If we want long lasting change, we have to start with the young ones coz they are mouldable, and coz we have given up on ourselves anyway. So when you raise your daughter mould her to be a better human, rather than a better woman.  Rather than telling her that she should learn to cook coz she has to cook for a family, teach it as a survival skill, and so also your son. Send her to the gym, not to shape up and lose those pounds, but to put on some muscle. Don’t raise her to wait for a prince charming, and don’t make him fight for a princess, those only emphasise stereotypes, tell them stories of real men and women. Shape them, to be independent individuals, men independent of women, and women independent of men so relationships don’t feel like barter system any more

We have been talking about the basics, about where to start, but we are grown –ups now, and somewhat beyond repair, we have been wired a certain way (though some believe its hard-wired, one could always argue against it). After the general hullabaloo on women safety, I have advisories on being cautious every time I step out, and it comes from everyone around, parents, friends, and even that friendly protective uncle down the street. I am glad for all these people, I mean I truly appreciate that they are concerned about me, but beyond a certain point I can’t gulp down the fact that I should live in a perpetual fear of being hunted in my own country. (I’d rather live every moment and die half way, rather than drag myself to the grave and contemplate over a life of regrets.) And after hearing this over and over, one does start feeling dependent and this feeling of “fear” kind of gets to you. If every woman started carrying an escort with them, we are making it that hard for women not blessed with escorts. Think also of what you would be doing to their confidence. If all of a sudden a woman not used to traveling alone, has to confront a stalker, that’s surely gonna scare the shit out of her. For a change I would like to free men from the onus of standing up for us. If we can fight for our jobs, for our kids, well we did fight for our freedom, we can bloody well stand up for ourselves and fight for our rights, our right to freedom. 

Where to start? Go take that self-defence course you have been dilly-dallying forever. Or take up a sport, or yoga, and build some muscle. Know your strength. Which is the strongest muscle you have? How hard a blow can you hit? Also know where to hit. Build some stamina. Self-defence techniques most often only give you a chance to escape, and inevitably you will have to run; you don’t want to be panting half way down a chase. And most importantly, fear is the last thing you want to show on your face. Learn to stare people in their face, in their eyes. 

These are patch up solutions anyway. As I said before, to create a society where one can live without fear, we should change the way we think. Unless we stop objectifying women as well as men, we won’t make any headway. If our choices (from our clothes to hair-do) are freed from prejudices of form, and are more functional (like I wear shorts, coz they are that much comfortable to run around in and not to expose my legs in some way) it would be much easier to look at and deal with things. We are struggling with ‘ghosts’ really. We have to fight things that are there in our heads, so we stop taking things at face-value.  

And we need to stop celebrating crappy days, a woman should embrace her existence as well as a man's,  every day, and same is true for a man.


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