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An ode to my best friends...

I don't remember how old I was then, could have been 6-7 or 8. There were these bunch of play mates i had, who would always bully me, and I would rush crying home every evening. I would keep cribbing i don't have friends. ( I have always been obsessed with that word i presume) , so one fine evening, dad picks up a story book, puts it in my 3" palms and says, "Here, books are your best friends, they will never let you down".

I don't know if it was my blind faith in everything that dad said, that i took the words so much to heart. But from then on till date, they've stayed by my side. Faithfully. Through thick and thin, time and again, i've found solace in books, from adventures in the magic faraway tree, to Santiago's (ref. Alchemist) desert odyssey. They have advised me, in the most exquisite ways. They have taught me to fight, love and empathize. They have always opened my heart for this one other perspective, that one can always accommodate.

We have traveled together. We have dreamed. We have stayed up nights, talking. We have cried, laughed, and shared almost every emotion that one possibly could share. Most of what i think i know about life, is from them...

I cant imagine a better friend, philosopher,guide.

So this friendship day, is for them, Books.... my best friends!


Unknown said…
Hi...I read some of your posts.You write about the thoughts that come to your mind. It reflects your sensitiveness about the things happening. The interesting part about these posts is the narration..You narrate complex stuff in quite simple way yet they remain appealing. It binds some one like me to hold on and keep reading. I liked your writings..may be I'll keep reading more of yours.

Ur Admirer..

nishi said…
Thanks Pawan for your generous appreciation :)

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