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Movie Amblings: Finding Fanny

An accidental movie plan led me to search for Fanny.

Finding Fanny took me home to the tiny offroads lined with fields, the riversides, the grilled wooden facades, the Three Kings church. There are some neatly done pieces esp Dimple Kapadia's "Ot" and "Poperly" in the first few minutes of the movie, but then the consistency to stick to the accent is lost over time. I wish atleast one actor in any movie would get the Konkani accent right, I wonder if its that difficult, coz in many places, the konkani conversations feel like they are read off a script (They aren't too long, just one or two lines strewn here and there).

The characters are regional stereotypes, but Pankaj Kapur breaks out of it and sounds no where like Don Pedro. Deepika Padukone maintains her angelic divinity throughout the movie, (and yes she didn't get on my nerves). The movie transports you to another time, where time ceases to be.

Its like those Amol Palekar movies of yore. The movie is not really about anything, not love, not a big plot, its just a story, about a bunch of people twined together cause they effectively live together. Yes Naseeruddin Shah as the sexagenerian Romeo is gorgeous, what with his curly white hair and innocent smile, carried off in a perfectly tailored blazer, (I could fall for him a kazillion times).His sudden change of expression when he finally sees Fanny is one of the moments i really loved in the movie.

The movie has its funny moments, but then it leaves you with a kind of a hollowed feeling. Its like a dish cooked technically sound, cause you have done everything by the book, but there's something missing, and you can't point it out when you taste.

If you are in for a feather light comedy, its for you. but if you try to read more into the movie, you are in for disappointment.

p.s. If you are a Goan away from Goa, do watch it, its 2 hours in your beloved place, you can forget about the characters and just enjoy the background.


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