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Let there be light!!!!

It was around 4 in the evenin....yet when i saw outside it looked as if it was six. black clouds filled the sky!! the first thought in my this November????

it was pouring torrents!!!

it took me jus a blink to realise that paradise was in danger.............POWER FAILURE!!!!

i was half way through preparing the kartik n there it was blackout!!! to worsen things... the inverter made its feeble attempts at fighting the dark and gave away. with lots of preparations stil to be done, mother n i scrambled around the house in search of candles! found 2-3 luckily!

with a candle in the center of the room we all returned back to our work.
dunno wat is it in those candles thats mesmerising. when ma cousin was younger he wud b starin at the flame endlessly. such a tiny thing, one flame...say ard 1 * 1/2 inches, yet it lit up a 6 by 6 m room!!!

when i stared out again, aft i was done, it was still dark outside! as if the electricity department was keen on givin an ethnic glint to the diwali!!

it mus hav been ard 10 p.m. when normal power supply was restored.

when i woke up today to yet another power failure, my prayer this Diwali had to be........


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