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"its funny how someone can break ur heart, n u still love them, with all the pieces".... a quote i came across on smone's profyl.

when u r heartbroken.. u r filled with a surge to reciprocate the same. u realise soon enough dat it is not possible. u get frustrated, u blame, curse, think of all evil pocble, think of every tiny way to take ur revenge....never too successful can u b in such planned endeavours.

from within, a heart that has bred love, cant breed hatred. a heart that has learned to forgive cant hold malice.
try as much as u may... u cant hate the people u love.

a few days ago, i heard this story abt this oldage home, where some children hav filled in the forms with fake contact details. heartbroken yes. ask these parents abt their children, they'l still love them.

i had this fren of mine who loved a guy like crazy. for quite some time they were goin out, or atleast she thot so. it took 2 years for her to realise, nothing of it had been true. that her Mr. RIGHT was WRONG in every sense.

the result was a month of depression. to an extent she was hospitalised.i went to meet her. while speaking about him, i realised she held no bad feelings for him. she was absolutely neutral. no tears, no curses, nothing! she said she left without a word. between them, there had been no good bye.

findin me lost for words, she said," i forgive him, to hold ill feelings for him in ma heart, hurts me more than all ill ways he d ever behaved to me."

true, it hurts more to keep things in the heart that ppl hav behaved to us, and its very much relievin to FORGIVE n FORGET.

what stunned me though was what she said further, " i still love him".

the look on ma face begged to her for a clarification," but that doesn mean m ever going back to him.

LOVE is unconditional. when i began to love him, i never expected him to love me in return, how can i then stop loving him, for the simple reason that he doesn love me!

n i if i could stop it, IT wouldn be LOve at all."

it al sounds as if its picked frm some novel, but its true.

its nice to knw that smwer ard us ther r ppl who think this way, but unfortunately for them, the path of the Heart is not the easiest to travel...

....some day that unworthy being (forgive me fren fr ma words) wud realise what a gem he let go...( or may b thers sm1 far better at the next turn!)


Unknown said…
Love...a subject i would like to write more about too. A similar thing happened to my friend, she is seeing a psychiatrist..i was myself heartbroken once....
I have learned that every relationship is unique, but they have one thing in common..when they break they test the real you...and all you can do is wait...and wait..and wait till it finally doesnt cant hold all the reasons and answers in your fist...letting go is inevitable
Lyric Master said…
Thats one real Gem of a Blog I've seen in quite some time missie,
Feels good to see that people still have feelings.
Really liked the texts, but this post caught my attention d most. Feels more than just a narration...

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