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who am i?

i alwes find these personality tests pretty amusin, n the palm readin, n face readin ppl, its fun. on my recent visit to delhi, i came across this egyptian palm readin thing.... u place ur hand n out comes a black n white strip. ( i spent ten bucks for it).. the result reads as below

the mouth of truth tells that.....
........i tend to be aggressive to satisfy my instincts
........i could be seriously disappointed by rash ventures
.......i know how to lose myself in the joys of spirituality
.......i do small things as if they were great
......each man has fancies contrary to his own good
......... i tend to dedicate myself totally to cultivation of literary or artistic talent.

n a weighing machine in shimla told me tat m broadminded, tolerant, humorous and truthful and entirely lacking in malice or petty jealousies!!!

the weighing machines give their share of humor as well.. they tel u never beore heard things abt urself.

once i took this online stress test n it told me i was mild schizophrenic, paranoid, n some other n disorders.

do we know so less about ourselves tat we need others to tell us. it gives a false sense of appreciation when someone says smtin good abt our personality, n when its not so good , we don wanna accept it. den we tend to wear " i-don-care-wat-d-world-thinks" attitude n say, it doesn matter, when actually it does. was watchin the roadies auditions, its fun to see the judges esp raghu jus rip the guys off... most of em tryin to wear extra attitude. n wen they tell them jus wats wrong with them they get all.. " its what u think" or " may be it appears tat way to u", " u jus know me for 10 minutes", " i dint expect u to judge ma form tat way".

man the judges are doing big favours for those guys that spring up for the auditions. givin them advice for free that normally ur psychiatrist wud charge by minutes.

give it a serious thought, may be u wil find some new dimensions to the way u look at ur self n ur life!
............. here goes another reason to keep up with Roadies 5.0


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