"destiny is not a matter of a chances, tis a matter of choices." said a wise individual
Life, some times places an encyclopedia infront of you for reference.. and you gotta choose the right word! that's the toughest part ...MAKING A CHOICE
when people take decisions for us, we accept the decisions and crib that we aren't allowed to make our own.
when placed with a choice, we crib that we have insufficient information,
when placed with everything....We are CONFUSED.
I wonder if you have ever come across chaos theory....But the way its explained its really beautiful
I liked one particle para from one of the first write ups on chaos theory(or the butterfly effect)
"The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month's time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn't happen. Or maybe one that wasn't going to happen, does"
the tornado is like destiny...The flapping of the butterfly's wings a choice! we never know what effect the choices we make today can have on our tomorrow.
some times we have to make tough choices.
whilst making a choice...
be wise, think , analyse..... Never make a choice when you are in the extremes of your emotions ... Too angry, too happy, too excited,too depressed. They will always be wrong choices
take your time, to make a wise choice, even 5 minutes with a calm mind is enough
listen to your heart... or rather your instincts.. they speak a lot. Its something like an inner call, gut feelings!! it will direct you in the right way, or atleast give u a hint
the last thing is.. Stand by your choice. No matter what, once you've made a choice , the wing has flapped, there is no rewind.
Ultimately remember the choices YOU make shape YOUR DESTINY. Even when u listen to someone else, u r making a choice, u r choosing to accept smone else's choice fr u.
as Don Corleone says ... "Every man has but one destiny"... its Your Choice what you make of yours