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Woman's Day

8th march—its significance—called the Woman’s day.

I am not a feminist, I don’t believe in gender differences except from the biological point of view, but then , when a vast majority of my biological counterparts have concerns that are based on this very gender divide I cant resist the opportunity to write

I was born and brought up in a town. I have lived a fairly free life. I am glad to have parents that treat me as my brother’s equal, who understand and treat me as a child (thankfully not as a daughter). But not everyone is as lucky as me

I belong to a circle of frens mostly of the opposite sex. I am happy they treat me as one of them in most cases. What I find baffling is when they refuse to acknowledge me as a girl (“thank you”) and then ass “ she is like one of us….Guys”. (Excuse me!!!!)

I may be one of u, but that doesn’t make me any closer to a guy, nor does me nt bein a conventional girlie type in any way change my gender status. I am “Nishigandha Patil”; socially m neither a guy nor a girl.

I am not the only one searching for equality in an unbalanced world. We are divided on every possible pretext, may it be religion, caste, faith, following, party, beliefs… GENDER… in a democratic society each one has a right to opinions. But a major chunk of the vast populace of India doesn’t think this way. i was reading Renuka Chowdary’s (minister of state,Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India) interview in the RD issue, (March 2008). She spoke of how Indian politicians still treat women as inferior to them (no wonder we have had only one Indira Gandhi in 61 years of independence). When asked about any new programs for uplifiting the women of rural India, she spoke of a proposed program, wherein a family would be paid to take care of their female child, atleast till she is 18.

Why have we reached this state today in a third generation post independence India?

Has education not achieved its purpose? Are we falling short somewhere in imparting moral education?

What could be the reasons for half the human race refusing to recognize the rights of the other half? Why is woman abuse on the rise? Why do we come across a case of rape, dowry, infanticide, every day? Despite of all the efforts at uplifting the status of women, why are they still treated like cleaning rags?

Is there smtin wrong in the way we are brought up? Why is it tat the woman has to balance home, and career, while a man is free to follow his career endeavours without bondages?

Although all of us take pride in our Indian culture, we need to recognize that there is something fundamentally wrong with a culture that assumes the superiority of males, and that celebrates Indian women for being meek, submissive and sacrificial.

We glorify Sita, Savitri and the like… but what about Durga? Our epics echo male chauvinism. Why else would the “Purushottam” (perfect man) Ram ask his wife to go through the Agnipariksha despite of being fully aware of her innocence? Why did he succumb to public loose talk and send his wife into exile? Wouldn’t it have been manlier of him to stand by his wife… and fight for her innocence?

Back to India today… a victim of rape is still held responsible for instigating the rape, by the society at large. Its usually the woman who was at the wrong place, at the wrong time, wearing the wrong clothes, or she must have said the wrong words to him. The agniparikshas and exiles continue fr the Sita’s even today.

Can we bring a change? Can there be a successful woman’s liberation movement in India? May be yes, but not in the near future. A liberal woman is perceived as a House breaker. This allegation defies common sense. Why would a woman break a home she has built if she is contented with it?

The Indian Woman has been brainwashed into the submissive role for ages together. Before any liberation movement, the women first need to be freed from the shackles they hav put on them. A change in the way the Indian Woman looks at herself is the first step towards women liberation

My message to ma contemporaries wud b just this……..we women are not show pieces, nor are we cloth rags. We are individuals! Believe in yourself, your right to live freely. Transcend from limiting urself to being a woman to realizing your worth as a human!


Anonymous said…

KUDOS to you my friend! That is one thought provoking post. Now I'm waiting for a book to be published... Wanna be the first one to read it!!! ;-)

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