this an ode to one of the bestest guys i hav met in my life.... shreyas. he is gonna be 20 soon on 28th may, n i don think i wil b able to write on that day.. ( cos thats the day our sem 6 exam begins)
Shreyas is synonymous with "lets do it". he is one of the people u can count on always.
he lets people assume stuff about him-- esp. assume he is an idiot.
he lets people take him for granted.... and a lot of people do ( many a time, me too!)
he enjoys being there for people. he is alwes there to help, n when it comes to that he doesn care who is askin for it... its like something has programmed him to help people.
he is a person with "zero ego"
he is always ready fr stuff.... then may it be jus hangin ard after coll, a dinner, picnic or a tech fest! its jus a matter of a call... n puff there he is right with you in no time!
at first sight... m sure not many of you will like him... he'll appear to you like some wannabe... with all the stuff he tries! but he is not.
he is a genuine entertainer ( u need funny people around u). its easy to trick him into doing things.
he loves having friends, making friends, being friends!!! he jus knows how to keep people!
he is one person i m definitely gonna miss after b.e. even more than him, the counting on him part... i'll miss saying... "arey yaar apna shreyas hai na!!!"
happy birthday pal..
Good 1. Will be a nice gift for him when he reads it. ;-)