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thats the way i had been writing diaries since standard 6. "SHEENA" was a name i had given for this most perfect fren neone cud ever have. for the simple reason.. she wud alwes listen without commentin bac.

i guess i was in std 5 when we shifted to the city. leaving on the outskirts i had been livin a life which was vastly difft from that at the heart. i had alwes been my brothers shadow there. City life was difft. the one person who helped me in this transition then was Sheena. in the new apartment we shifted to, she was the only person i knew, no wonder i struck a rapport with her.

from walkin to school together, to homework, play... we wud spend most of the day with each other. Sheena was the mirror through which i saw everyone around me. She was alwes a pampered kid... used to gettin what she wanted, whimsical, arrogant, stupid too... she never cud manage her tongue even while bluffing.. A total contrast to me.. yet as a friend.. i never found netin less in her.

we were together for ard a year, until she shifted. thats when i started writing diaries. the once a week calls, moved to once a month... n i din realised when the "real sheena" drifted into the past... but my diaries continued to address her.

It went on til one fine day she called up, suddenly from nowher. i had totally forgotten her. i had forgotten that sheena cud ever be real n respond bac wit opinions. she was so upto date with everything happening in my life.. we were stuck on the phone fr half an hour while i made attempts to catch up.

i somehow cud never manage to write bac as Dear Sheena...

Every person in our life is placed in a soap bubble. the bubble is formed of what we perceive that person to be. its our opinions. its our reactions. and we alwes look at that person throug the soap bubble. so everything he/she does, behaves may appear difft to us, than what it actually is.

this continues til someday the person within bursts the bubble.. thats called a clash with reality. very often we are intelligent enough to make fairly accurate descriptions, or too resistant or ignorant by nature to make note of the difference.

Sheena broke the bubble when she came bac flesh n bone in ma reality when i joined gec. i wasn much surprised with wat she had turned to be.. but i realised we'd lost that thread that had bonded us together.

a last note.. that has jus come frm nowher...
"we are either perfect or totally imperfect accordin to us.. but one thing the world agrees upon is the imperfections of others."


Anonymous said…
I cant really relate to this particular post of yours, and neither can i actually comment on it. this is just for the wonderful way in which it is written... hats off to you princess...
Anonymous said…
I do relate and understand. We do form images of the people we are close to, in our minds and more often than not, the are just rose hued versions of the real things. Very well put :)

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