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i have professed my boredom in this study vacations time n over, today was the limit. i was so bored of sittin wit the books, tat i actually mustered all the patience to watch a muv online!
m not the most ethical person on earth, n for my source of movie- entertainment i rely on pirated copies

inspired by the toi critic rating of 4 stars, my obvious search was dostana. i found a relatively nice copy.. n i endured hours of buffering til the end of the muv.

its like a peculiar karan johar muv... funny in the beginnin, a bit emotional in the middle, still tryin to maintain the humor, n then senti in the end!

the muv starts wit a song.. n i kept rewindin it to admire john again n again!
the muv is fun to watch, abhi n john got a good chemistry. priyanka is as usual, bt she jus cant get funny at times, n it looks so obvious tat she is tryin too hard. she is more like a glam doll in the muv. she is either laughing, cryin, or huggin someone!
(not that there is anything better tat her character can do)

i found it all ok, (i mean acceptable) til i reached the last part (to say the last 15 minutes or so)
not talkin abt the technique here, but how the characters react.

some questions tat come to ma mind towards the end...

would i really be so light-eared n blind n listen to people like Abhimanyu (bobby deol)?
would i forgive my best friend if he had to behave like sam (abhishek) or kunal (john)?
would i ever do the things that john n abhi do in the muv?
can guys really get brighter ideas for surprises than gals?

movies are like fairytales, larger than life! its so easy in ther for people to do the things they do,
n despite of all the sense in me, i still wish my life was like a muv!!!! (or is it already a muv in its own right?)


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