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this is what i learned from zurada (one of our neural refernce books):

nothing happens in he universe that does not have a sense of either a certain maximum or a minimum. ---- fundamental concept of models of neural systems

a cat that once sat on a hot stove will never sit on a hot stove again or on a cold one either--- cat == Single layer perceptron classifier

a certain lady claims tat after tasting a cup of tea with milk, she can say which was poured in the cup first... milk or tea. this lady states that even if she sometimes makes mistakes, she is more often right than wrong... lady== multilayer feedforward network (i havent yet figured how!!!)

who errs and mends to God himself commends -- why feedback is essential!!

the clock upbraids me with a waste of time--associative memories

new opinions are always suspected and usually opposed, without any other reason, but because they are not already common--- the funda behind matching and self-organisation

nihul simul inventum est et perfectum... nothing is invented and perfected at the same time

(nothing is studied and perfected in the same sem--- the dark truth that examiners forget while correcting our papers!!)


Anonymous said…
hehehe..... you actually took the time to type it out!! hehe..its funny how some authors try to make boring stuff seem interesting
nishi said…
tats jus an indication of how totally bored i am of this study vacs
mallu said…
lol.. nishi... it's so funny to read this now.. i never noticed it.. maybe that's y u are in iit and i am still jobless and reading your blog ;)
nishi said…
mallu u aren exactly jobless

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