Of many things a smile can possibly mark, often it marks the beginning, of events that may o may not be as pleasant as those that bring the first smile, but nevertheless it is where things start. An innocuous smile, may forever alter the course of things to be.
Things begin there... with the smile that followed the “hello…”
What is it that makes your heart tingle? (the smile in the hello? the one reciprocated back? Or that tiny stolen moment when ur eyes meet for a splitsecond?)
What is it that runs through your body and it makes it respond in novel ways?
When jus a gaze can tickle you within and without and a light brush of skin can arouse all ur senses together?
Is this “IT”? the thing that everyone talks about—that glorified, sacred word?
Less said, more felt
Less lived, more left
A boxful of dreams!
(Or a Pandora’s disguised?)
...to be contd
Of many things a smile can possibly mark, often it marks the beginning, of events that may o may not be as pleasant as those that bring the first smile, but nevertheless it is where things start. An innocuous smile, may forever alter the course of things to be.
Things begin there... with the smile that followed the “hello…”
What is it that makes your heart tingle? (the smile in the hello? the one reciprocated back? Or that tiny stolen moment when ur eyes meet for a splitsecond?)
What is it that runs through your body and it makes it respond in novel ways?
When jus a gaze can tickle you within and without and a light brush of skin can arouse all ur senses together?
Is this “IT”? the thing that everyone talks about—that glorified, sacred word?
Less said, more felt
Less lived, more left
A boxful of dreams!
(Or a Pandora’s disguised?)
...to be contd