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Me n the Swing

There’s a swing down ma house. No not a swing in some garden, its one of those old wooden swings, with thick wood, n thick chains, that creaks a lil once in a while, but neverhteless looks grand and impressive. Its been one of my favorite places to be, since I have shifted here.

Swings have always been ma lil favorites. Ma earliest swinging memories wud be summer vacations in Belgaum(ma native place). Ma grandpa would take us (me, bro n cousin) to a nearby park in the evenings on his bicycle. The bicycle ride would be one of the most awaited things, on the then, grandiose, HERO cycles, and the carrier was a place to be fought for! The park, would inevitably be crowded, and you had to wait ur turn at the swing( and so also the see-saw or the slide). Once on the swing, it was like being the king of the world. Grandpa wud giv the first push… n then I would swing away. (sometimes bro would giv a harder push, that wud make things in ma stomach churn, and result in a mad chase in the park with ma bro hysterically laughin at ma contortions). But that would never be satisfying, so we would rearrange the furniture in the living room, to make place for a swing, and make grandpa tie one for us.

Swings at different places have meant different things. In ma village, a swing wud be a rope tied to a hook(o may b a tree) with a sack for a seat. Swings were a part of the Nag Panchami festivities. It would be tied in the verandah in the entrance, n i would be stuck on it day in n day out.

Swinging is a joy. Early mornings n evenings are ma favorite swingin times. I love the feeling when you feel the gush of air brush you, a lil chilly, refreshing, soothing! Swings have a special place in my heart. I love to look at the sky whilst on a swing. The best moment is when u r jus reaching the peak, its like fulfillment of the desires that drive the effort. Where I live in vasco, we had a swing tied too. N then I would spend evenings staring at the blue skies, and the stars that slowly began to appear in the evening sky. It is one of the most beautiful sights.

Swings always fill me with a sense of freedom and openness. Its like at the peak, you swing into infinity’s embrace. Left alone on it, I swing to ma thoughts, back and forth, as they sweep through dimensional multitudes, that make up what a swing in itself epitomizes… “Life”

U rock slow at first, n then a lil fast til it takes u highest, n then u jus let be…let the swing take its course as an effect, more than an effort.


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