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friends, dreams, twilight n stuff

last week been totally busy... ma roomie frm pune had come down. so been roaming around for like a week. day one was north goa-- panjim, anjuna.. etc.began with dona paula, then kala academy, panjim church, lunch at aunty maria, my first visit to the flea market. shopped like an idiot, then went to aguada.. click click.
day two went kart racing, then colva, jet ski, then ccd, coffee n craziness...
day 3 was in coll, n then old goa n monte,
day 4 --jus in n ard vasco-- japanese garden, three kings. all awesome times. was like being back in pune! all crazy shit talk, swinging, bitching, laughing, more like rolling on floor. sittin up late nights (nt smtin new). twas funn... got lots of time on the wheel. driving is addictive. u want more n more of it!

day b4 morning, she went back,dropped her to panjim. the bridge was closed, so had to go all the way via ponda! :P

rest of the day was spent wit friends! caught up wit a friend after some 5 long years. end of day we were on river bank... pebbling the water. Aguada side , its like my new favorite place. we started talking of life till now. sitting on the edge, contemplating how far we 've come from our high school claims! i remember distinctly wanting to be a doc all through my school life, engineering was like a blind twist. well but then thats it now... and its somehow pointless thinking about all the old stuff. sometimes life is too short to do all the things u want to do. the choice between right and wrong is half as tough as the choice between two right n two wrong things.

life is a random process f(X), and its impossible to predict it.. Long time back i d written a post about making choices, n then sticking to them. in life there's no turn around, the only direction u can move is infront, there's no turning back! time is memoryless. an unspoken word is lost forever, so are uncommitted acts, abandoned dreams.

there's nothing like dream come true-- only visions become real, dreams are meant to be broken.

@dona paula

Mary-Immaculate Conception church

@flea market, anjuna

making hearts @sinquerim


Anonymous said…
Life says: Add more life into life.
What say???
nishi said…
hmm... but how?
Anonymous said…
Discover the kid within Thats the mantra to add life into life.
nishi said…
why grow up!! :D
Radhika said…
well said phrases here n there...alot to keep in mind:) awesome pics too:)
nishi said…
@rads thanks!
Unknown said…
fantastic bloggin Nishi...loved ths 1 d most!!!!
Soin said…
living in it really fun?
nishi said…
@soin, its jus like living newher else, besides proximity to the beach, cheap booze, n goan landscapes. :)

and as long as u frens, ne place cn b heaven!

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