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two states and a UT

Last week been a long hectic week for me! i had all these interviews queued up n been travelling north-south. It began on 11th, i left fr mum in the afternoon. Me n dad. air travel all through, i guess ul already know my opinions about it. Got a window seat. Average indian still feels enthu abt window seats, immaterial what mode of transport. Air travel is now like any other mode of travel, indianised in every sense, airports have the same ruckus as a train platform, people huddle up around seats on flight to chat up, n manage to play cards across rows. some of them even bend over their neighbours to peep through the window, whiel the usual passengers while their time in magazines, novels o music.Its amusing to note that people travelling in bus, train etc display a much better dressing sense than those flyin by air. A large chunk of people are dressed like they are confused if they going to a disc or carnival. and some have this idea that if u are travelling to o from goa its a must to dress like a hippi n wear hawaiian slippers.

by the end of my 3-4 days out of home, i was purely exhausted of air travel. all i cud think of doin in air was sleep. clouds become a monotony after the initial excitement wears off. well flyin to mum u get this awesome view of the west coast as u travel up it. even from those heights goa looks jus as awesome as it is when u travel on the winding greys. i now realise why people flock to goa n love it soo much!! (besides the booze ofcourse, m talkin abt the true travellers)

i din roam abt in mum much, the only site seeing i did was thru the taxi. something shud be done abt the stench thats uniformly spread thru most of mum (atleast the parts i hv been). remembered buddy times.

on 12th i had this test, early mornin woke up, n then off. spent like the whole day in iitb. loved the campus, but well after the interview the following day, it all feels like a dream. if its your day to fuck up, u can fuck up even on 2+2. i guess that sums how my interviews went.

after the interview in mum on 13th, dad n me raced against traffic n time to be just in time to catch a flight to lucknow. 2 hours, a large family that had pledged to disobey every rule of air travel (which part of "please keep your cells switched of for YOUR OWN SAFETY" do people not understand?) n periodic dozing whiel tryin to scan thru a text book, we reached lucknow. Lucknow airport is no difft from a railway platform, may b a lil less crowd inside the terminal, but well long queues of people come to receive frens n family.

kanpur to lucknow is a 2 hour drive. the plains have long straight roads, so the travel isn all that tiring. our lunch was a packet of chips n coke. we reached iit kanpur in time for the interview, n within no time i was done with my interview n back in the car to lucknow to catch the last flight to delhi. we reached well in time n managed to nibble on a sandwich before boarding. i jus dropped dead on the seat in the plane.

i landed in a glittering delhi at 10.30 it had been a long day. next day morning interview in delhi was over in a zippy. and i had like the whole day left. i switched into jeans after like 2 days, n it was the most comforting feeling. Jeans make u feel at home newher. flung on a tee, caught up wit a fren n off we were shopping. that was the best part of my 4 days. Shopping, hookah, chillers, n awesome music. a day well spent.

next day we were back in goa by lunch time. i enjoyed this flight travel from north to south tho. The changes in topography are glaring, each with its own charm. u fly up the crowded delhi lanes, n then move up over the food plains-- vast stretches of fields. The rivers look beautiful from that height! n then as you move south, it gets greener n greener... n then u see home ground n u feel happy!

o goa i love you so muchhhh

Posted via email from pixeljuice's posterous


HaRy!! said…
more like a diary eh?cant forget those interview days!
nishi said…
yeah sort of!

its getting to tat these days!

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