Trade-offs. used this term a couple o times couple o places. Dint think i d b using it in lifE as such. There's always a trade-off , between what's in your hand at right now, and what u wanna hold. Between what u can do, and what u wanna do. Between ur heart and ur head.
Should there be? if we are a single entity, should what we feel be different from what we live? shouldn't life be bound by one philosophy, a single thought that runs through you, and reflects in everything that you do? Should there be a trade-off between being happy and making someone happy? Shouldn't it be the same?
i can't understand compromises. I cant understand giving up something for something else. There cant be something less and something more... its either something o nothing.
i cant understand why we sometimes fake ourselves. or we drift to believe that we are something else. why is inactivity so elusive? What can be achieved from endless conversations tat lead nowhere, head nowhere?
Why is being practical often interpreted as being insensitive? o why doesn't "sense" go along with "feel" when in fact they are synonyms. is it wrong to feel with your head as well as think with it?
do u have to be a lovey-dovey dreamer all thru? why do we stereotype ourselves? why is love associated with pain, sacrifice, stuff of the sort? why is love projected as a euphemism for giving up "what you stand for"?
my minds running like a lab rat on the wheel.... we keep drawing lines, building walls, confining ourselves in self defined boundaries. Why is it so difficult to accept ones freedom? Why is it an effort to "live free"?
right about self-control. but sometimes self itself is a blur...
tryng to get them...............
if ur happy,fuull f joy, bubbling always it definatly makes world round u happy