what is it that ends with leaving a place?
i havent figured it out yet, but surely it has to be something.
i dunno y we do, but once in a while, we jus change residence. i live in a new home now. for a few days before we shifted, i was pretty sceptic if i wud ever be able to associate home with it ( so soon) , but then its ma home now newe.
i sat in nostalgia for 2 days thinking about ma old house. it seems like a forever that i hav left behind. i found it quite befuddling to realise how much we associate with objects. everything thats around us...its MY brush, MY pen, MY room, MY coffee mug....""MY HOUSE"".... making them all seemingly irreplacable..
i thought i wud miss my old house a lot. i spent 7 years over there. it was the longest period i had ever lived at one place....wen we were leaving i cud jus wish tat i cud jus hold the whole flat in my arms n say i m not leaving it!!!
my old neighbours, my parents, relatives...everyone behaved as if it was our last day on planet earth. n wen we shifted, i was missin people i never dreamt i d miss!
but whatever... accepting this shift hasnt been so hard.. cos a home is not the walls, its the people tat make it!