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yet another story

i dunno y i jus adore paulo coelho's writings!!! here's another story or rather an excerpt from a book of his" the Devil n Miss Prym"

( the scene a meeting between St. Savin n Ahab( some local chieftain, mafia kinda))

jus before goin to sleep, Ahab asked St. Savin,
" if tonight, the most beautiful prostitute in the village came in here, would you be able to see her as neither beautiful nor seductive?"

"No, but i would be able to control myself", the saint replied.

" and if i offered u a pile of gold coins to leave your cave in the mountain and come and join us, would you be able to look on that gold and see only pebbles?"

"No, but i would be able to control myself"

" and if you were sought by two brothers, one of whom hated you, and the other who saw u as a saint, would u be able to feel the same towards them both?"

" it would be very hard, but i would be able to control myself sufficiently to treat them b
oth the same."

***** the story ends here.

we all are essentially the same!

Good and E
vil have their own battle in every person. what distinguishes a saint from a terrorist is the control,he can exhibit.

they say devil lives closer to the ear, n the angel above the head! the devil's forever whispering things, n the angel jus whirring above! that is y, very often we find ourselves listenin to the devil!!!

i am not here to give social messages.....the concept of "good n evil" has never been in my grasp. may b m too young too understand, or may be my basics jus arent right! but i feel good n evil are conceptual things! whats good to me may b bad to u, one man's paradise is another man's hell..

i feel its more right to think wat our conscience says! its one thing that speaks to u tells u that there's an angel above ur head....n its devil thats whisperin in ur ear! it tells u whats good n bad!!!! so jus don bother about the thousands of scriptures n writings, its al there in u! jus open ur ears to your conscience!


Unknown said…
hmmm...i love his writing too..
ever wondered why all his stories are focussed on the female emotions and experiences?? for that matter how all great movies of yore have very strong female characters?? Just a thought ....

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