dint expect maself to be writing today...bt then thers smtin...
i am 20 now... the younger one in the house.... so after 20 years of being the youngest... i suddenly hav to bear up wid a younger sis!!!
ok bear up is nt the very right word to use... bt let it be tat way.. cos thats how it makes me feel sometimes...
i have alwes been like an inductor... resistant to change. i change gradually! so when this sudden change came in my life.. when all of a sudden i had a 12 year old sis to cope up with... my world started shaking...or rather my home.
cos of ma studies i spend most of ma week away from home. weekends have alwes been asscoiated with home for me... with lots of time wid ma parents.. n doin stuff jus betn the three of us ( my bro used to study out so he was rarely at home). then suddenly there was this fourth person. n now i have to share most of my stuff with her. starts wid ma room...ma time.. ....ma parents!!!!
bt it isnt all those things that matter me most.. what matters is sharing my people.
i am out of ma teens, n supposed to be mature.. bt i find myself battling wid this insecurity abt sharing my parents... most importantly their time.. i wonder then how my bro managed to cope with it at the age of 4. Kudos to him for that.
i probably understand him a lot more than before now... cos now i have to behave like the elder one!
............i read this book called 5 people u meet in heaven. it was abt the 5 people in this persons life.. who changed it, and they werent people he'd spent his life with, at some point they werent even people he knew... but they changed his life!
people live their lives.... but change the course of others'