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its been a long long time... thers like 10 days left fr exams.. m nt surprised at ma unwillingness to sit with books. been out of things to write. while most of ma time on fb, orkut o flipping thru photos. yest i realised i gt somewher ard 7500 photos on ma pc. most of em over the last one year.
thanks to the upsurge of digicams floating loosely around.

digital storage is cheap. rechargeable batteries n memory cards are a non recurrent expense... so go KHATAK.. (its nt khatak ne more... more like click click...).

in these last few days (n even now) everyone is so extra considerate about each other.... n people keep talkin abt coll, n how they gonna miss it.. n how they gonna miss everyone n everythin associated with it.. sometimes wish ppl showed this consideration a bit earlier.. u don get to live anyday twice... everyday is unique, and its ur one n only chance to make good of it. "the way u live it", so y shud u be any different frm wat u hv been all the years thru, jus cos u nearing the end of one of the most intense phases of life!

its an irreversible change alrite but like everything else its a phase of life.. a phase of life we pass through. farewell is a time to be happy.... to celebrate the creation of some wonderful memories. i don get why in the very first place cryin is linked to farewells!

m gonna miss ma pals.. n miss a lot o things.. but i don want to live in an infinite loop called "college life".

was reading thru postsecret yestday. there were these one line commencements.. i found this one pretty apt..

Just like college was better than high school, 'the real world' will be better than college, just keep your mind open!

BE ETC 05-09


JenPB said…
I've been in the real world a long time. There are some great things about it, but not much has compared with academic and social opportunities afforded by college life. My advice to everyone in university - STAY AS LONG AS POSSIBLE! You get to work for the rest of your life. You get to be in university only this short period.

Best of luck!
Akshar said…
Same building, same campus, same arrangement
what differs is only the faces. But the smiles are familier

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