so i finally had this talk with myself today... we sorted out things.
some times we drift.. drift away from wat we are supposed to be, supposed to do. as we meet people and let them into our lives, we let them change us in different ways. sometimes they change us too much.
there are some people who have a profound impact on our lives, so much tat they actually change the course of it. sometimes its an encounter of a day, a tiny splitting moment, sometimes much more. one of the best and worst thing about human nature is probably gettin hooked to things... so much, they become for a substantial time in our life indispensable (o atleast we think so)
so this talk with me, was about these people in my life who are so indispensable to me today, so much of me wud i spend in thoughts of these people that id lost sight of wher i was heading. utterly clueless.. i have been this way for quite some months now. heading without a plan. thought of spendin some time in making one today.
"you need to prioritise the right things at the right time"
i had ignored these wise words once.. as i look back today, they echo, everytime i flash through a point of time wher i could have done things differently.
m looking forward to getting a grip on things. i spent 2 days moaning over my self magnified losses. i have come to terms with them today..
we can never own people... jus memories!
wats urs is alwes like a boomerang.. no matter how far it goes, it comes bac to u!
keep faith!!!