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auto thoughts...

today was a not so normal pune –day for me, ma bro had come down, n spent like the whole day with him. So on this nt so pleasant auto-journey tat we had between places, the auto-wala thought of shining some philosophy upon us. he played with Sanskrit shloks, n interspersed Marathi with as many English words as ne common Indian. He made his own audience. Me n bro (bakras of the day?)

he seemed heavily inspired by geeta, he spent quite some time talkin on the pro s n cons of Karma (without actually using that word). Then he moved on to describe the omnivalence of the Almighty. While I had enjoyed the initial few minutes of the talk on Karma, as it moved to more radical views I lost interest.

I am not an avowed atheist, I do believe in powers beyond my grasp, but that is far from my perception of god. Though in times of today where religion is more a social obligation than a faith o belief, I find it hard to limit my god, to a specific form, ability, o nature. my god keeps evolving like me. (may be he is more symbolic of the dynamic minds of me n my contemporaries). My god does not need prayers to appease him, I speak to him in the same way I speak to my friends, I do not need places of worship to reach out to him, though I admit those places feel enchanted.

God to me is a supreme power that governs my life in obvious and unobvious ways, but I refuse to put him in a race to win more followers. (wud god be god enough if he couldn tolerate a counterpart?)

Dad says times are getting difficult. Papers echo of intolerance, radical views, dogma is applauded, freedom hereticised, tolerance lost long ago. We don need reasons to fight, to raise voices (that would still be ok) or to raise fists. I dunno which casual word of mine, might tomorrow be considered as an insult, a controversy in the making. What with people wasting their time on litigations on a cartoon released in the 60’s accusing it of racism! (god, there are worthwhile things to litigate on).

While everyone claims peace, not many work towards it, not many breed tolerance at home. I really appreciated Chetan Bhagat’s views in yesterdays Times, but such a thing amongst the masses is a far-cry. People stil look with awe and often repugnance at inter-religion, inter-caste, and inter-state wed-locks.

If colour is attributed to couple o pigments in cells (more a reflection of the environment ) why then believe in superiority of one over another?

If one believes in god’s omnipotence and omnipresence, why refuse to accept his multifarious nature?


Soin said…
sometimes its just misplaced hate.. and are you like really looking for sense and rationale in all this..good
nishi said…
misplaced hate... never saw it from that perspective.. can u shed some more light!
Soin said…
like take some indian who defends his team to some american auditor.and the auditor just rejects his views because he is indian.sounds bad.but the american's son might have lost his job because an indian took it for leser wages.american jobs go to indians and not americans.reverse descrimination.thats what am talking

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