very much expected on this day! since the title says it all, i wudn repeat it here.
everyone wants to be a part of everything these days. adults want to compete with kids on celebrating children's day for the kid in themselves. kids wanna celebrate valentine's day, when i wonder how many know what a valentine is... it wud come as no surprise if ppl started celebrating fathers day (or mothers day ) prematurely saying someday they wud be parents!!!
was watching mtv WASSUp (some youngistan crap tats better than saas bahu dramas) over ma tea break, n tats wat urged me to write. they were celebrating children's day, asking young adults memories of their childhood as a veejay roamed about with a lollystick in his hand on the streets.
i was wondering at the street kids who must have been tempted for a lick of that lolly as he roamed about.
"HAPPY CHILDREN's " day world..
(mind the quotes)
its what the day has become today. many of us mus hav spent bucks on wishing each other today, did one of u stop by at the kid at the thela n wish him the same?
or may be that tiny beggar who tugs at ur jeans everyday on the bus stop.. he is still a kid isnt he? did u pause for a moment n offer him a children's day shake? or may be a gesture that hints towards the same.
what have u done today to make it a happier day for those thousands of tiny lives that have probably even forgotten what the word "happy " means.
those for whom joy is not a piece of cake, or a glitter-wrapped gift, but the mere opportunity to forget, even if for a moment, that "life is a struggle".
did it occur to u that may be you could by CRY card for someone.. jus so that u achieve both goals together?
14th november is no more children's day, its "happy children's day"
i was in class 11 then, n we had this farewell party for our class 12 seniors. the function was held in our gymkhana. behind the gymkhana there was some renovation work being done. we had music n games, n a worker kid wandered to the door of the gymkhana. we had got a tiny cake and our general secretary was expected to cut it. the kid stood at the door staring at the cake, i dunno how many must hve noticed it. his eyes longed to have a bite of it, something i wonder if he had or would ever taste in his life. the gs cut the cake n we then took it aside to distribute it to the others.
i cut a piece of the cake and gave it to that kid. i cant describe wat i saw in the kids eyes that moment... but its one of those moments that makes me feel very happy about what i am.
i urge u all to do something today, if not for the sake of the lesser-fortuned kids around u, then for the mere selfish reason of finding a moment for urself that will alwes make u happy and proud of wat u are, n wat u have done.
and yes, it is a heart melting sensation when you see those kids smiling at you after you have done something good for them. I still remember my visit to the orphanage in Chorao in 9th std. i still remember how it felt. Just to see all the kids smiling at you even though all you have done is gone there and just shared some sweet words with them. :-)