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Note: this post is nt a result of over studying, i sometimes apply engg to my life.

while in the car (after the paper on ma way home) stuff that should have runthrough ma head durin the paper, was runnin after it. so there were these coordinate axes that kept comin to ma head, n conversions frm one reference to another.

we all, in our lives have a coordinate system. in most cases we place ourselves at the origin, and then everything else is relative to it. this relativity is perception. jus like how changing the reference point is gonna change a whole lot of things in the problem u r tryin to solve, so is the case with life. as we change our reference, we change our perceptions towards things.

we define everything in and around us with respect to this reference (origin). imagine a coordinate system having three orthoganal axes. everything else then, friends, family, work, etc. fall all around the origin. u choose ur place in this reference system. ideally ud b placed at the origin. the distance of everything else in ur life from the reference defines ur priority levels. when we learn, evolve,adapt we are basically adjusting ourselves with respect to the origin.we displace ourselves. move closer to somethings, distance from somethings, change our priorities n perceptions. everything remains at the same place wher it began, wat changes is how we place ourselves relative to it.

lets call this point a reference point. its nice when we place ourselves at this reference point. cos then life as we see it, is a result of how we have grown to be.

sometimes though when we are so blinded by things, we change the reference,like a pseudo reference. we change it to something else (someone else!?!), we start viewing things in relation to this pseudoreference. basically u begin to look at things differently, like they were from somebody else's perspective. its nice to do it once in a while, (to knw how it is to b in somebody else's shoes), bt nt alwes.

like any mathematical problem, changing the reference point is gonna change a whole lot of things... possibly ur perception of balance changes to unbalance. u seem unsatisfied, cos ur lookin at urself, like u were somewher else(someone else), though everything else tat forms a part of ur life is still wher it was.

the point is.. i jus realised i was at this psudoreference n need to move bac.


Akshar said…
yeah, I too contemplated on similar lines on my latest post.
Basic concepts of science are also applicable at philosophical levels.

But remember no matter where we shift the origin the shape of the curve doesnt change. It is the absolute truth and what we often seek.
Roshan said…
its right that we r at the center of the axis ..
but do we ourselves define where the center should be????

so maybe when we realise.. its just a little too late.......!!
nishi said…
@roshan i guess yes.. u r the best judge fr urself.
our experience(life till now) defines the center.. we jus make a choice.. between being there n not bein ther.

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