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Showing posts from January, 2010
my days are much the same now, n nothing much is happening!! days and nights are no different now, n my world is limited to my room...(most of the time). stepped out into the lawn like after a week. yes feels nice! a lil fresh air. Good. sky is clear for most part, except for a few clouds here n there, the sea is very silent! no waves, n m surprised no ones at the beach despite it being weekend!! overall m enjoying the quiet(even the factory is surprisingly super silent! o have i grown so immune to the noise!) just another 2 weeks left! m not exactly counting days...but yes then i will get to enjoy my well deserved break!!! missing being here.. n spending hours in thought mode.... ----- how strong are u? is there some hidden reserve of strength thats accessible only in the most trying circumstances? so may be till u discover it you can fairly assume the worse is yet to come! ----- peace to all! bubbles

in the end...

in the end, all that matters is what you get right! the significance of all tats acquired, over the course of time, reduces to one question, have u got it right??? its stupid in a sense, like you are judging someone , something impulsively... this one question renders void so many things... the end result is all that matters, and even tho there might be many out there who l say the journey is more important, everyone is struggling to get it right, sometimes even competing to get it more RIGHT than someone else!

how internet is affecting our thinking!

just like the medium of writing matters, where we write does to. some interesting responses out there. "If the theme of the Enlightenment was independence," he writes, "our own theme is interdependence. We are now all connected, humans and machines. Welcome to the Entanglement." by Daniel Hills "New medial environments may therefore create a new form of waking consciousness that resembles weakly subjective states -- a mixture of dreaming, dementia, intoxication, and infantilization. Now we all do this together, every day. I call it Public Dreaming......" a response to how internet is affecting our thinking. more of it here
one withers another grows......sometimes when u sit with the balance-sheet of life, n u find more negatives than positives... just throw it, n find something better to do. college seems so distant now... like it was eons ago, sometimes even another life!! the unit of time is months again, (sometimes days, minutes, seconds), unlike sems before. unlike pune times, where everyday was filled wit a possibility of chancing on someone new, being home is more of reflecting on those chance encounters. m not so much surprised by transitions, as the rate at which they occur(ed), undoing things, nullifying actions... so tat everything seems more chaotic than before ( o was it just a pseudo belief!) words can deceive, but quivering drunk voices cant!! hope is a butterfly that flutters till certainty kills it..